how to write a research paper

How to Write a Research Paper?

If you’re either a new researcher or an experienced one looking to publish your work in a journal, keep reading to learn about the step-by-step process of how to write a research paper. These tips come from Neha Agrawal, the founder of WiseUp Communications, who has published three research papers during her postgrad studies at NTU Singapore and has conducted workshops on research paper writing for IITs and NITs in India.

Step 1 – Identify Your Research Topic

If you are new to research and want to know how to find a relevant topic, then read on.

  • Look in your university – Speak to your professor and ask them what research areas are they working on and in which journals they have their publications. You can check out your own university websites.
  • Look into other universities – Review various university websites, scrutinize the research interests of the professors, and delve into their research papers to pinpoint an appropriate topic.
  • Do loads of reading –  start with a broad topic in mind, and delve into a multitude of review papers and research studies. Continuously refine and narrow your focus until you identify a problem that remains unsolved by others—that becomes your research topic. 


Step 2 – Conduct Your Research

Following this step, you are expected to conduct your research, whether it’s experimental or theoretical. The objective is to produce a novel result that contributes to the research field and makes a significant impact. Expert tip – during this process you can also write a review paper and get it published! To learn more about considerations for choosing a research advisor or conducting research effectively, you can refer to our video.

Step 3 – Write Your Research Paper

Before going forward check out our course- The A-Z of Research Paper Writing & Presentation. It is an 8-hour certification program that covers each section of a paper, proper citation, avoiding plagiarism, and journal selection. Over 1,500 students from top institutions like IITs, NITs, BITS Pilani, and IISc have benefited, making it a valuable addition to CVs for jobs and further studies.

What is a research paper?

A research paper is a documentation of an investigation carried out by one or more researchers, where they present their findings to the research community using a standardised report structure. When you read a research paper, you will notice that they typically adhere to a uniform format—a conventional and rhetorical structure—that enhances clarity and comprehension for the reader.

What is the structure of a research paper? 

Typically, a research paper consists of the following sections, collectively known as the IMRDC structure:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References

A research paper’s coherence stems from its interconnected sections: the introduction and conclusion are linked, as are the methods with the results and discussion.

Deep diving into different sections

1. Abstract

The abstract is vital as it influences whether readers will read your paper. It provides a brief overview of your research, summarizing the introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion within a 250-300 word limit. For detailed guidance on writing an abstract, two videos are available on this topic.

2. Introduction

This section is vital as it is often among the first that researchers read, making a strong initial impression important. Start with historical context or key term definitions. Then present evidence through a literature survey detailing existing research in your field. Identify the research gap that current studies have not addressed or how your paper extends previous research. State your objective, outlining how your paper aims to fill this gap. Finally, define the scope to establish the boundaries of your research. To know more check this blog – How to Write a Literature Review?

3. Materials and Methods

In this section, clearly and comprehensively explain the steps taken to reach the final product when presenting research findings. List all materials and equipment used, along with the precise procedure followed to obtain results. Emphasise the reliability of methods and materials, ensuring replicability. Provide detailed accounts of the equipment and instruments used for measurement and analysis, including necessary citations and references.

4. Results and Discussion

This section presents your experimental outcomes and explains their role in addressing the research gap. It includes visual data representation through graphs, tables, and illustrations, followed by data interpretation. For example, a graph showing x and y on the same axis represents data. Interpreting that an increase in x corresponds to an increase in y constitutes a result. Finally, you will discuss the result’s significance concerning the research objective.

5. Conclusion

This section aims to remind readers of the initial motivation for your research and outline the outcomes. Reiterate your original research objective and summarise key findings. Highlight broader implications or practical applications, explaining how your research contributes to the field. Conclude by discussing study limitations or suggesting future research areas.

6. References

You should acknowledge all the sources and literature that you have referred to during your research and while writing your paper. You will provide a list of all the sources using a citation style and the journal you intend to submit your paper for publication.

As we conclude this blog, I hope it has provided a clear understanding of how to write a research paper. For those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of research writing and obtain certification, our research writing course is available. The A-Z of Research Paper Writing & Presentation.

Thank you for reading this blog, and I wish you all the best in your research paper journey. Don’t forget to go out there and get published! We are happy to help with any questions or advice you need in this area. Feel free to drop a comment and we will get back to you with answers 🙂

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Course to master the A-Z of research paper writing and acquire the skills to deliver impactful research presentations.



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