how to write an sop with ai tools

How to write an SOP with AI tools?

In our previous blog, How To Write an SOP? we learnt how to write a Statement Of Purpose for your study abroad application. Now, with the rise of AI tools, you might be wondering which ones can help craft a high-quality SOP. How much AI assistance is acceptable? Are universities using AI detection tools to check if an SOP is AI-generated? And which tools are best for detecting AI-written content? If you’re grappling with these questions, this blog is here to guide you.


AI Tools for SOP Writing

When it comes to writing a Statement of Purpose (SOP), you can start with basic tools like ChatGPT. However, there are other tools specifically designed for SOP writing, such as Tootler, Essoppy, CareerSky, and GradGPT.

These platforms claim that the essays they generate are plagiarism-free and personalized based on your input. However, with minimal data input, such as basic details about your graduate program, goals, and internships, they generate 500-600 word SOPs in just a few minutes.

Check out the video below where Neha talks about these different AI tools for SOP writing.


Common Ways Students Use AI Tools

There are two common methods students use for SOP generation through AI tools:

Generating an SOP from scratch: Students input key details like work experiences, projects, and the universities they are applying to, and the AI tool generates the SOP.

Rewording an existing SOP: Students write the SOP themselves, then copy and paste their content into AI platforms, including ChatGPT, to rephrase it and make it sound more professional.

Check out the example of the Sample SOP of our blog and how a part of the paragraph is re-written using ChatGPT.

Sample SOP


chatgpt for sop
First paragraph of sample SOP re-written using ChatGPT


While the re-written content may appear crisp and improved, it’s important to remember that since it is generated by ChatGPT, it will be considered AI-generated. This can lead to rejection from universities, as students often overlook this fact and unknowingly submit AI-revised content once it looks better. Read further to understand how easy it is for universities to detect AI generated content.


Why AI-generated Content is Easy to Detect

As an SOP reviewer, Neha has reviewed over 200 SOPs and LORs and can easily identify whether an SOP was written by a student or an AI tool. Admissions committees, who have been reviewing SOPs for years, will have no difficulty spotting AI-generated content.

Universities now use AI detection tools to check if an SOP is AI-generated. Last year, some universities rejected applications after flagging the SOPs as AI content. Trying to outsmart these tools by generating an SOP with AI and then using “humanizing” software will fail.

Check out the video where she talks about what she learnt from reviewing these 200 SOPs.


How to Use AI Tools Safely for SOP Writing

Rather than risking an AI-generated SOP, use AI tools to enhance your original work. Here’s the best approach:

Write your SOP yourself and get it reviewed:

Only you can authentically tell your story, your motivations for studying abroad, and the experiences that brought you to this point. After this, it is good to get it reviewed from an expert.

If you need help to get it reviewed, then you can join us for our SOP Review Program or LOR Review Program

Use AI for language and grammar checks:

Once you’ve written your SOP, use AI tools like Grammerly, Quillbot, Trinka, or ChatGPT to correct any grammatical or language issues. Simply paste your SOP into these tools and ask for corrections. This ensures that the content remains your own while eliminating errors.

To learn more about AI tools for SOP writing, you can check out our video below

Now, if you wish to learn how to write a study abroad SOP on your own, receive multiple samples from top universities then you can join our course on Write your Way to Study Abroad

All the best for your career ahead! In case you have any queries, feel free to comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible 🙂

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